Hi mina-san
I will give one basic in learning English
Firstly, you must understand about ALPHABET
But sometimes, we forget about alphabet and how to spell.
So I give you how to read alphabet in English.
Let's see this below :
Ae (you must read) = ei
Bb (you must read) = bi
Cc (you must read) = si
Dd (you must read) = di
Ee (you must read) = i
Ff (you must read) = ef
Gg (you must read) = ji
Hh (you must read) = eitj
Ii (you must read) = ai
Jj (you must read) = jei
Kk (you must read) = kei
Ll (you must read) = el
Mm (you must read) = em
Nn (you must read) = en
Oo (you must read) = ou
Pp (you must read) = pi
Qq (you must read) = kyu
Rr (you must read) = ar
Ss (you must read) = es
Tt (you must read) = ti
Uu (you must read) = yu
Vv (you must read) = vi
Ww (you must read) = dablyu
Xx (you must read) = eks
Yy (you must read) = wai
Zz (you must read) = zed
That's all like above,
let's learn more and more basically
don't forget,
keep studying hard.
Thank you very much.
Hope this is very for you.